Using " Shift+F" quickly switches between Editor Types (Display Types)
Maya assign hotkey to shelf button full#
Shift + NumPad 4/ 6 = Roll scene clockwise/anti-clockwise ĭesign Note: items marked "*" above indicate schemas useful in instances where mouse or touch-pad control options are not available (but access to full keyboard layout is).Ctrl + NumPad 4/ 6, 2/ 8 = Strafe/Pan scene Left/Right, Up/Down.

Shift+NumPad 7 = axis orientation to Y/X/Z (front/back, left/right, up/down).Ctrl+NumPad 7 = Bottom ortho (looking up).NumPad 5 = toggle Perspective/Orthographic.Shift+NumPad 3 = axis orientation to Z/Y/X (up/down, front/back, left-right).Ctrl+NumPad 3 = Left ortho (looking right).NumPad 4/ 6, 2/ 8 = Roll scene left/right, up/down (relative to view left/right).Shift+NumPad 1 = axis orientation to Z/X/Y (up/down, left/right, front/back).Ctrl+NumPad 1 = Back ortho (looking forwards).Home = re-centre 3D View (averaged on visible objects).Enabling 'emulate' disables the normal 'layer selection' feature attributed to the same keys. The 3D View and the orientation of Objects within can be controlled using the " NumPad" keys - note default axis orientation is X/Y/Z ( left/right, front/back, up/down)ĭesign note: where Numpad keys are unavailable (laptop), in " User Preferences" activate " Emulate Numpad" under " Input" options, forcing Blender to use the main numerical keys, 1 - 0, as alternatives.

Note also that triggers are context sensitive, the same key may function differently depending upon the Editor open or operation performed. Although the bias for the below is towards making content for games, either Blenders own internal Blender Game Engine or external third-party technologies, they are worth getting to know because there is a lot of commonality to most other types of content creation and will facilitate the User getting the most from Blender.ĭesign note: charts and references relate to common or frequently used actions in Blender so should not be regarded as a comprehensive list of shortcuts. The following is a list of useful keyboard shortcuts, commands and features for Blender, handy to keep to one side when modelling. Important note: the ever changing nature of Blender's development means features can be arbitrarily updated so shortcut keys may be mapped to different functions or be in different locations version to version - this is especially true of Blender 2.50, up to and included, the latest versions.